When choosing which wood to make a workbench from, durability and long-term strength should be your priority. If you live in an area where oak is cheap, you may consider using it to make a workbench. But is oak the right type of wood for a workbench?
Oak is ideal for a workbench since it’s highly durable and won’t break when you’re doing heavy-duty projects. Oak also hardens as it ages and is more aesthetically appealing than other woods. However, you’ll need to treat the oak with waterproofing material to prevent liquid damage.
This article will explain why oak is a great option for building a workbench. I’ll also discuss the possible downside to using oak for a workbench and how to treat oak wood properly to make the ideal workbench.
Why You Should Use Oak for a Workbench
A workbench isn’t something that you make every day, which is why a durable wood like oak is ideal when you’re making one. Oak workbenches have been known to last over a century, and the average oak bench will last a few decades. Best of all, it can be used for heavy-duty workbenches.
So, what makes oak better than other hardwood options for making a workbench?
Here are some reasons why oak wood is ideal for a workbench:
Oak Is More Durable Than Many Woods
While most softwoods are relatively cheaper than oak, you’re still better off using oak since it has better durability. Oak is a hardwood and grows more slowly than most softwoods, giving it more resilience. While other woods can be treated to improve their durability, oak has natural durability.
What makes oak so strong is the close grain and wood density. This is influenced by the slow growth rate of the oak tree, and it results in much harder wood. The only downside is that oak wood may be more expensive, but this varies depending on where you live.
Since your workbench should be able to hold between 750 pounds to 1000 pounds at a time, it should be made from durable wood. The last thing you want is a major accident caused by the bench snapping in half!
Oak Gets Harder Over Time
While most materials will weaken as they age, it’s the opposite with oak. Since oak dries up much slower than many softwoods, it actually hardens over time. So, if you have an oak workbench, you can expect it to last at least several decades.
Some oak workbenches have lasted over 100 years and are still safe enough to support heavy loads. Older oak furniture is more expensive for the same reason.
Oak Is Rot and Insect Resistant
Another benefit of using oak in a workbench is that it’s resistant to rotting and insects. If you treat the wood properly, it shouldn’t get damp easily, thanks to dense grain. If your oak bench does get wet, you can always leave it to dry to prevent rot damage.
Oak wood is also high in tannin, which makes it resistant to insects. Unlike some commonly used woods, oak doesn’t attract fungus either, making it a great option if you want something that will last several decades.
Oak Benches Look Great
While you aren’t going to use your workbench as home furniture, having a great-looking workbench is still a bonus. Oak has a very attractive wood grain, which is why it’s used for expensive furniture. It also polishes well, and you can easily repair it after a heavy-duty project.
Disadvantages of Using Oak for Workbenches
While oak is highly durable, resistant to wear and tear, and gets harder over time, it’s not without disadvantages. Oak is highly porous and can absorb liquid spills easily. It also has a rough finish and can leave splintered edges if not polished properly.
Some disadvantages of using oak for a workbench include:
Oak Is Highly Porous
While you shouldn’t be using liquids on a wooden workbench, sometimes you may spill something by mistake. Since oak is highly porous, it can easily absorb a lot of the liquid, and this may damage the workbench. Fortunately, treating the wood with varnish or oils can solve this issue.
Oak Has Splintered Edges
This is another disadvantage of oak wood but not something that you can’t avoid. When you make a workbench from oak wood, it may have a slightly rough finish because of the compact wood grain. However, you can make it smoother by polishing it regularly or sanding down splintered edges.
Oak Is Expensive
Most hardwoods are more expensive than softwoods since they take longer to grow and have longer drying times. Depending on where you live, you’ll pay more for oak than other commonly used woods. However, when you factor in the durability and attractiveness of oak, it’s worth spending a little extra if your workbench will last an extra decade or two.
Other Wood Types To Use for a Workbench
If you’re looking for the best wood for a workbench, oak is the ideal option. Other suitable workbench woods include pine, MDF, and plywood. Always look at durability, evenness, and the weight carrying capacity of the wood before you use it for a workbench.
Pine is very similar to oak in terms of rigidness and durability and is often cheaper. While you’ll have to put effort into cutting the pinewood to size, your workbench should last several decades.
MDF is also a reliable option, but it should only be used as the surface sheet of your workbench. MDF is also high in resin which makes it hard to cut or scratch. If you’re looking for a more affordable alternative to oak or pine, you can try MDF.
If you aren’t going to use your workbench for heavy-duty projects, you can use plywood but bear in mind that it’s not as durable as oak or pine. However, it does have a smoother finish, and you can use it for the workbench’s top.
Final Thoughts
Since you aren’t going to replace your workbench every day, you should build it with wood that will last for several decades. Oak is the ideal wood for a workbench since it’s highly durable, doesn’t get damaged with wear and tear, and gets harder over time.